Fantastico podio Italiano negli Europei HC 16 Youth!
Con oggi sono terminate tutte le regate del Campionato Mondiale Dragoon, dell’Europeo HC16 Youth e dell’Open HC 16 di qualificazione alla Gold Fleet dell’Europeo HC 16 .
I Dragoon oggi hanno disputato 2 prove e dopo un totale di 12 prove e 2 scarti, si è aggiudicato il titolo Mondiale l’equipaggio francese Lou Berthomieu seguito dall’altro equipaggio francese Garreta Ian e dall’equipaggio belga Nicolas De Vos. Il nostro equipaggio pescarese Campione Nazionale in carica Luca Di Nisio – Edoardo Rosati cagliaritano si confermano ottimi quinti.
La categoria HC 16 Youth ha disputato altre 3 prove e dopo un totale di 14 e 2 scarti è primo il danese Nicklas Heide – Martin Holm. Il resto del podio è tutto italiano con secondi l’equipaggio Alessandro Cesarini – Diana Rogge autori di un due bei primi di giornata, seguiti al terzo posto dai cagliaritani Federico Budroni – Chiara Beghetti.
I primi 3 equipaggi del campionato Youth (escluso i prequalificati) entrano nella Gold Fleet del Campionato Europeo HC 16 assoluto che inizierà domani e durerà fino a sabato 1 Agosto.
Seconda e ultima giornata per la flotta HC 16 Open Qualifier (regate di selezione) e dopo 5 prove e uno scarto ha concluso in prima posizione l’equipaggio tahitiano Arnould Didier – Mateata Vitrac seguito in seconda posizione dal venezuelano Luis Guareschi – Amanda Guareschi e a pari punti, dal nostro bravissimo Francesco Porro – Martina Cavallari. Da segnalare il quinto posto dei cagliaritani Daniele Ciabatti – Paola Trois e il primo posto all’ultima prova dell’equipaggio Franco Bove – Daniela Groos che hanno chiuso settimi in classifica generale.
I primi 29 equipaggi dell’Open HC 16 entrano nella Gold Fleet del Campionato Europeo HC 16 assoluto.
Domani inizierà il Camponato del Mondo dei Tiger e dei Wild Cat e terminerà il 1 Agosto.
Classifica Dragoon Worlds dopo 12 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Youth (spi) dopo 14 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Open Qualifier dopo 5 prove (uno scarto).
Due belle interviste video dalla nostra inviata Caterina Degli Uberti
Federico Budroni e Chiara Beghetti
Alessandro Cesarini e Diana Rogge
Foto day 6
Di seguito la press release dell’associazione internazionale
Lou and Swan Barthomieu (FRA) win the Hobie Dragoon World Championships in Lake Garda
Day 6 of the Hobie MultiWorlds and Hobie 16 Europeans was the last day for the Hobie Dragoon World Champions. The last day for the Hobie 16 qualifiers and Hobie 16 Youth with Spinnakers to qualifier for the Hobie 16 Gold fleet. Sailors from each European country Hobie class have already had their top sailors qualify in their own country.
The sailors in Hobie 16 Gold Fleet will have a new sail provided by Hobie Cat Europe to race. Silver fleet will also continue racing with their own sails in a separate fleet.
In the morning the race committee sent the sailors out. Unfortunately storms to the north caused an unstable wind pattern. The race committee sent the sailors back to shore for lunch while the wind increased and stabilized.
After a break onshore the sailors headed back out to the race course in a 5-8 knot southerly breeze.
5th Dragoon World Championships had two races today. The Swetenham sisters from Jersey Island had a successful day with two 2nd places. They echoed on the beach ‘we started the worlds well, had a bad middle section and came back at the end. We are so excited and pleased to sail so well. ‘
Nothing could stop Lou and Swan Berthomieu FRA with their consistency from winning the world championships. Going into the last day with a five point lead she did more than enough to secure the world championships. The young sister sailed consistently during the World Championships. They were so excited to win the 5th Hobie World Championships. Lou said ‘this is Swan’s first regatta and we won the Hobie Dragoon World Championships. Swan, was equally excited ‘we won the worlds at our first time together’. After speaking to these two young talented sailors it is very clear they have a very long and exciting time in sailing. They remained very calm during the sailing and also after the racing. The sport of Hobie Cat sailing has a long way to do with all these young sailors who are as professional both on and off the water.
The Hobie 16 Youth with Spinnaker Nicklas Heide and Martin Holm from Denmark won with a 17 point advantage over Alessandro Cesarini from Italy. The top 4 all progress to the Gold Fleet.
The top Hobie 16 sailors from the qualifier will move into the Gold Fleet and race with sailors prequalified from their own country. There was a series of recalls on the Hobie 16 fleet . Didier Arnould, and Vitrac Mateata from Tahiti won the qualifiers, All will start their points from zero again tomorrow.
foto Renzo Domini-CV Gargnano