I Dragoon sono al loro penultimo giorno di regate e dopo le tre prove odierne, arrivati alla decima prova si mantiene in testa l’equipaggio francese di Lou Berthomieu. Sale al quinto posto il nostro equipaggio cagliaritano Alessandro Serra – Alessandro Masala.
La categoria HC 16 Youth ha portato a casa altre 2 prove e dopo 11 prove e 2 scarti è primo il danese Nicklas Heide, e salgono in seconda posizione il nostro equipaggio Alessandro Cesarini – Diana Rogge autori di un bel primo di giornata.
Oggi si è svolto anche il primo giorno degli Open HC ultima opportunità per qualificarsi al Campionato Europeo assoluto che partirà il 29. 63 sono gli equipaggi in acqua tra cui 10 equipaggi italiani che cercheranno di conquistarsi un posto nella gold fleet. In testa alla classifica il tahitiano Didier Arnoult e in ottima posizione il nostro equipaggio Francesco Porro – Martina Cavallari, che sono terzi in classifica dopo le 4 prove di oggi (1 scart0). Segnaliamo anche il primo di giornata dei cagliaritani Daniele Ciabatti – Paola Trois attualmente sesti in classifica generale.
Classifica Dragoon Worlds dopo 10 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Youth (spi) dopo 12 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Open dopo 4 prove (1 scarto).
Di seguito la press release dell’associazione internazionale
Didier Arnoult (Tahiti) is leading the Hobie 16 Open qualifier series
Early morning rain caused the wind patterns at Gargnano, Lake Garda, for the Hobie Dragoon Worlds, European Hobie 16 Spinnaker Open and Hobie 16 Open Qualifier to come from a different direction..
Racing stared nearly one hour late while the race committee waited for the wind to settle. The morning northerly wind didn’t appear but went to the southerly wind which normally arrives in the afternoon.
All fleets started on the two race courses. In about 8 knots of breeze.
Chloe Swetenham from Jersey racing in the Dragoon World Championships ‘it was a lot of fun out there, but also a bit frustrating when the breeze dropped’.
The race committee wisely sent the sailors ashore waiting for the breeze to fill in the afternoon.
On the Hobie Dragoon course two races were sailed with the one on the trapeze weather conditions. Lou Berthomieu (France) had another great day on the race course. They had a first, a fifth which is there discard and finished the day with another first.
Nicklas Heide/Martin Holm from Denmark is having a wonderful regatta in the Hobie 16 with spinnaker. He won the first race of the series, broke his mast, sailed back to the beach and replaced his mast and went out and won the second race of the day. Today they had two wins which gives them a total of 15 penalty points. Second place, Alessandro Cesarini from Italy is sixteen points behind. With three races to sail tomorrow Alessandro will have to work hard to catch the Danes.
The European Hobie 16 Qualifiers Didier Arnould from Tahiti has a one point lead from Alexandre Alexandre FRA and a further point lead from Francesco Porro IT. As nobody but a few people in the European Hobie Class Association know the number of qualifiers that will proceed to the Gold Fleet which starts racing on Wednesday. There will be a lot of nervous sailors hoping to make into the Gold Fleet with sailors from Europe already qualified.
Racing continues at Gargnano, Lake Garda.
Foto day 5
foto Renzo Domini-CV Gargnano