Il pluricampione Mitch Boot – Ruben Boot, dopo il secondo giorno di regate, primo in classifica nel Mondiale Wild Cat. Terzi i nostri comaschi Elia Mazzucchi – Jacopo Lisignoli .
Oggi secondo giorno di regata per i Mondiali Tiger e Wild Cat e per gli Europei Hobie Cat 16 suddivisi nelle due flotte Gold e Silver.
I Wild Cat oggi hanno disputato 4 prove, portando ad 8 le prove totali con due scarti e in testa alla classifica c’è il pluricampione mondiale, lo spagnolo Mitch Booth, con a prua il figlio Ruben Booth, seguiti dai francesi Clement Peduzzi – Maxime Blondeaui e a ruota dal nostro equipaggio comasco Elia Mazzucchi – Jacopo Lisignoli, autori di un buon secondo di giornata.
Nei Tiger, sempre dopo 8 prove e due scarti, è in testa l’equipaggio sudafricano William Edwards – Douglas Edwards seguito dagli inglesi Joe Bennett – Marko Reynolds e a pari punti, dai sudafricani Blaine Dodds – Peter-Blaine Dodds.
Anche gli Hobie Cat 16 oggi hanno corso 4 prove e sono arrivati ad 8 prove totali che hanno fatto entrare il secondo scarto.
Nella Gold Fleet è andato in testa l’equipaggio francese Cedric Bader – Laurent Bader (campioni Europei HC 16 in carica) seguiti da quello danese Daniel Bjørnholt – Laila Froehlich e da quello tedesco Jens – Goritz – Katrin Weise-Dohse. Il primo equipaggio italiano è ora quello formato da Francesco Porro – Martina Cavallari in settima posizione mentre i cagliaritani Pierandrea Gessa – Roberto Dessy rimangono in nona posizione.
Nella Silver Fleet al momento con 4 primi di giornata è andato in testa l’equipaggio americano Rich McVeigh – Carol McVeigh, salgono in seconda posizione il nostro equipaggio formato da Beatrice Ruggeri – Lorenzo Rossi e con una splendida rimonta l’equipaggio Alessandro Rossi – Carlotta Polverini.
Domani terza giornata del Camponato del Mondo dei Tiger e dei Wild Cat e del Campionato Europeo Hobie Cat 16.
Classifica Wild Cat Worlds dopo 8 prove (due scarti).
Classifica Tiger Worlds dopo 8 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Gold Fleet dopo 8 prove (due scarti).
Classifica HC 16 Silver Fleet dopo 8 prove (due scarti).
La press release dell’associazione internazionale
The Hobie 16 Gold Fleet Daniel Bjornholt DEN current Hobie 16 Youth World Champion lost his lead to Cedric Badder
The morning started promising with the wind from the North at about 6-9 knots. Unfortunately the wind dropped before the Hobie 16 could finish and the race committee shortened the race for the Hobie Tiger and Wild Cat.
For the Wild Cat Mitch and Ruben Booth had a runaway win with Paul Darmanin and Lucy Copeland AUS second.
On the Tiger course Joe Bennett and Marko Reynolds GBR won the race but series leader William and Douglas Edwards finished fifth which was enough to keep the lead.
After a short lunch break the wind moved to the south and filled in.
On the Wild Cat course Mitch and Rubens Booth had an excellent day on the water with another three first places. Mitch said ‘that was champagne sailing, 12-15 knots, flattish water and a few wind shifts to make it exciting. It doesn’t get better than this.’ Rubens Booth ‘it is fun sailing with dad and I am learning a lot. It was a great day’ . Clement Peduzzi and Maxime Blondeau FRA moved up the leader board. They both echoed ‘that was a lot of fun’
On the Tiger course it was a mixed day for the defending world champions Robbie Lovig and Andy Dinsdale. They were called for breaking the start and returned. Unfortunately they didn’t see the ‘I’ flag which requires boat when the return to the start them must go around an end. So they were scored an On Course Side penalty. On the other two races they scored two second places. Robbie was disappointed ‘we are sailing well just making silly mistakes. Because we don’t live near each other we don’t have much time to practice as a team. I feel we are getting our team work together’. Series leaders William and Douglas Edwards sailed constantly to maintain their lead. William said ‘we were consistent and not taking the risks.’
The Hobie 16 Gold Fleet Daniel Bjornholt DEN current Hobie 16 Youth World Champion lost his lead to Cedric Badder. Cedric commented ‘the racing was great with a few windshifts making it fun to catch up if you are behind a bit. No side was favoured so we had to concentrate.’ The results will be much closer after the 9th race which allows a second drop race.
On the Hobie 16 Silver Fleet Rich and Carol McVeigh USA won all four races. They clearly showed they prefer the stronger winds that unfortunately weren’t there for the qualifying series.
foto Renzo Domini-CV Gargnano